Aïda, Palestine · 19.03.24 · 6.30PM @PetitCine ERG · BXL

Free entrance

Vidéocartographies : Aïda, Palestine

Till Roeskens, France-Palestine, 2009, 45′

In Arabic, with French subtitles

Somewhere, in the middle of a tangle of borders: a refugee camp. Caught in a geography that becomes more absurd every day, men, women and children fight for their freedom of movement, stubbornly insisting on simply wanting to live their lives. With courage, with cunning, with humor too. We will not see their faces. We will not see the places they tell us about. However, we will be projected as close as possible to their intimate experience of the world, following line by line the maps that they draw to represent the complexity of what surrounds them.

To date, Till Roeskens has mainly worked as a storyteller, photographer, filmmaker, agricultural worker and traveler. Born in Germany, he dropped anchor in Marseille. Amateur of applied geography, his research develops in the encounter with some fragments of terrestrial space and with those who try to trace their paths there. What he brings back from his explorations, whether in the form of a book, a film, a conference, a documentary tale or other light forms, is never meant to be a simple report, but a invitation to exercise the gaze, a quest for freedom, an attempt to orient oneself in the infinite complexity of the world.

More infos: https://www.instagram.com/qahr.projections/

This film is part of QAHR/قهر , a cycle of weekly screenings (every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.) aiming to contextualize and make visible the suffering and oppression inflicted on the Palestinian people, for decades, by the Israeli Zionist government. The program is composed of films and short films addressing this theme through both documentary and fiction, our wish also being to show Palestinian life and culture beyond the colonial presence. The aim of this proposal is to raise awareness and open a space for exchange, dialogue and information.قهر/qahr was born on the initiative of students from the ERG and the ArBA.