No Pride in Genocide · 10.04.24 · 7PM @Cinema Galeries · BXL

Tickets will be sold at usual prices.

No Pride in Genocide

The « No Pride in Genocide » film screening programs by Filmistin aims to foster dialogue and raise awareness about the deceptive tactics of pinkwashing while celebrating the resilience of Palestinian queer individuals.

Filmistin is an initiative led by three artists and activists, aiming to create a space for Palestinian visual art, particularly through short films and spoken word performances. The primary objective of this film screening is to explore the concept of pinkwashing. Through the lens of Palestinian queer short films and discussions, we aim to examine the intersectionality of identity, resistance, and solidarity.

I knocked on my home’s door

Matthew Khoury, 2022, 5′

George, 11, struggles with his masculinity along with the growth of his body hair at an early age. Following his classmates’ insults, George begins looking for ways to deal with his hairy body.


Moaad Gader, 2019, 7′

During the director’s childhood, he experienced heavy bleeding that felt like an abortion. His parents took him to a specialist and that was that. All these years the memory remained. Did it really happen?


Saleh Saadi, 2020, 15′

A father gives his son a ride to the airport. The car breaks down on the way.


Rami Fahel, 2021, 15′

Tamer goes out on a blind date with a guy that cat-fished him. When he tries to escape the guy threatens to expose his sexual identity. Trying not to get in trouble, he decides to come-out by himself to his own family.