Picasso in Palestine · 22.06.24 · 8PM @KunsthalGent · Gent

Free entrance

Picasso in Palestine

Khaled Hourani, 2012, 52′

In Arabic with English subtitles

Picasso in Palestine was a project initiated by Khaled Hourani, the founder and Arts Director of the Ramallah-based International Academy of Art Palestine (IAAP). Hourani’s exhibition involved borrowing and exhibiting Picasso’s Buste de Femme (1943), the iconic expressionistic response to the Spanish Civil War. In June 2011, the painting became the first original Picasso artwork ever to be displayed in Palestine. With renowned Palestinian director Rashid Masharawi, Hourani documented the project’s realization, including the countless bureaucratic and logistical obstacles encountered on the masterpiece’s two-year long journey from the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, the Netherlands to the IAAP exhibition space in the West Bank.

This film is part of Grains of Sand Like Mountains – Public Program: An Afternoon with Disarming Design from Palestine

In order to wel­co­me you in the best pos­si­ble con­di­ti­ons, we will do our utmost best to make the events pleasant and as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble. All of our events are orga­ni­sed in a relaxed man­ner — you can come and go whe­ne­ver you like. Howe­ver, scree­nings will start on time.

Kunst­hal Gent is wheel­chair acces­si­ble via the entran­ce ramp, but the first floor is only rea­cha­ble by stairs. A video of the upstairs exhi­bi­ti­on can be vie­wed on the ground floor. If you would like to com­mu­ni­ca­te any spe­ci­fic needs or would like to report unac­cep­ta­ble beha­vi­our, plea­se con­tact us at cura­to­ri­alstudies.​2024@​gmail.​com or call +32477588935 (Pau­la).

Plea­se regis­ter via this goog­le form.

More infos: https://kunsthal.gent/agenda/infrastructures-for-solidarity-a-disarming-design-workshop